Discovered two very cool things today -- First this really sweet Toadie in the flower bed and Second a hip blog where folks link to show off terrific photos of critters they've captured. It's really swell and if you love animals as much as I do, you'll adore it.

So very cute, made my day!
Hey, great job with the new camera. Very, very nice photos, way too cute also.
wow, fascinating photos!!
Great photos.
Nice job.
CC is posted.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha
These are great photos! What a cutie. It looks like he's thinking "Should I just stay in this hole and hide or go out and show my best side?" hehehe
What a fun post! Thanks SO much for joining Camera-Critters. I look forward to seeing more of your critter photos each week.
Very nice, what a co-operative toad. Great pictures.
Wow! These are fab pics of the wee toadie!
Happy CC and have a great week ahead!
Mine is posted here:
My Life In The Urban Zoo
A prince waiting for a kiss! nice photos
Hello Mr. Toad! You are "toad-ally" awesome. hee hee!
He's really a cute Toady. You took great shot of him. I like it. :)
Very cool!!!
What a great capture!
Glad you shared this week.
Great action shots!
I played too :)
oh my heavens....I love love love it. Now I have to search your blog posts to see what camera and lens you used. :) I love lenses. :) was this a zoom, or did he let you so close? fun fun fun!
happy CC!
These really are wonderful photos! Great work. I hope everybody looked at the large photos because they are awesome!
Great captures - so nice he posed for you!
He's wonderful!
and your photos truly, toad-ally do him justice :)
Gorgeous photos of the toad up close. I really like the pictures of his back. It's so amazing and intricate looking.
Great camera critters share!
The last shot is perfection. BJ
Amazingly cute little guy and nice photos! I saw two smashed flat today while I was walking :O( so it made my happy to see such a fat, 'alive' one.
Those are some great pictures. I am a total toad/frog lover.I have them all over my yard i just saved one from my dog today.
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